STUFFY SHMITT 您所在的位置:网站首页 stuff happens 俚语 STUFFY SHMITT


2024-03-28 11:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“Reports have just come in, regarding a major musical heist committed in your immediate area. Be on the alert, as recording artist Stuffy Shmitt has escaped from the prison of his mind & is on the loose again.

This time, one Stuffy Shmitt, is guilty of hijacking iconic compositions of other masterful songwriting peers.This creative pilferer, is now wanted for breaking & entering the eardrums of music lovers everywhere, as well as infiltrating & stealing the hearts of such unsuspecting listeners.

Whether it’s the beautiful cover of “Bring It On Home To Me” or the bold & outlandish “Like a Virgin”….those who choose to listen to this cd, will be considered  accomplices to the aforementioned crimes.

Note: It has been reported that all crimes have been committed in the name of Mr Shmitt’s new cd release “Stealin Stuff”.”

- Mark Brotter, Slingshot Records






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